Veg Peas Pulao

Prep Time: 10 mins   Cook Time: 20 mins   Serves : 6

This Peas Pulao Recipe is so easy and tasty.. It is a special Main course Rice recipe you can include in your menu ,when your hosting a party. Or Maybe just when you have some surprise guest visiting you at a meal time,  this recipe will surely be your favourite as it is done in minutes... so don't worry if your running out of time or don’t know what to cook or serve your surprise guest. It goes very well with gravies, or any dry dish or even pickles..
You will surely like to include this recipe in your weekend family menu too..


8 tsp olive oil or cooking oil
10 cloves 
8 pepper cons
1 cinnamon stick
5 cardamom
1 cup green peas
2 chopped onions 
2 chopped tomatoes 
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 cups rice ( Basmati)
4 cups broth ( veg broth) * see Recipe notes
1 tsp ginger garlic paste(optional)
1 bay leaf
Salt to taste.


  1. Wash the rice & keep it aside, In a cooking pot heat oil then add spices, add onion & fry till soft.
2. Next add tomatoes & cook till soft &  light brown

 3. Then add  green peas, turmeric & mix well.

4. Next add the rice & fry for a min . 

     5.Then add the hot veg broth and salt as per            taste.

     6.Cook the pulao on low flame keeping the              utensil covered with the lid on all the time            till the broth dries up and the rice is cooked.

     7. Use a fork to remove the rice.You can add a           tsp of butter (optional).

Recipe Notes:

*You can make fresh Vegetable broth by boiling vegetables with water eg. Boil veg with 5 cup of water till it evaporates to about 4 cups.
*You can substitute the Veg broth with                      vegetable bouillon or Maggie cubes instead.
         For 4 cups of water add 4 vegetable Maggie           cubes.
You can also add vegetables like carrots and          French beans   along with the peas.
If Your using a cooker to make the pulao: 
         use 1 & ¾ cup of water for 1 cup rice &
         cook on high flame till 1 whistle. Put off the           gas & let it stand for About  10-15 min & its             ready.
The timings to cook the pulao rice depends            on the type of Rice your using as different              rice, cooks at different timings.


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