Crispy Chicken


This Indo Chinese, Crispy sesame Chicken recipe is very easy to make and as the name indicates it is super crispy. It also has a sweet flavour of honey along with the delicious sesame sauce.... 

Prep Time: 15 mins.           Cook Time: 20 mins.
Cuisine: Chinese                  Serves: 4

For the crispy chicken :
500 grms/ 2 Chicken Breast cut into strips
1 tsp salt or to taste 
½ tsp Black pepper powder 
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 cup flour/ Maida
2 Egg lightly beaten 
Oil for frying

For the Chicken Sauce :
1/3  cup/ 80 ml of water
¼  cup / 4 Tbsp of soya sauce 
1 tsp tomato ketchup 
4  Tbsp of honey 
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp of Cornstarch
3 Garlic cloves finely chopped 
3 Tbsp of oil

For Garnishing :
1 Tbsp of sesame seeds
4 Tbsp finely chopped spring onions ( Optional)


1.To make the Crispy chicken sauce:
In a Large frying Pan , heat 3 Tbsp of oil, add the garlic and fry for about 15 secs. on low flame. Next add all the other ingredients of the sauce together and mix well, cook till it’s slightly thick or until reduced to half , and set aside.

2.For the Crispy Chicken:
Cut the chicken Breast into strips, add salt, pepper powder, ginger garlic paste and mix well.

3. In a bowl beat 2 eggs and in a separate bowl add flour. Now dip the chicken strips in the egg wash then into the flour one by one.

4. Next in a frying pan add some oil and shallow fry the coated chicken strips until golden brown and done. Remove the fried chicken on a plate lined with kitchen towel.

5. Last add the sauce to the fried chicken and toss lightly till the chicken is well coated. Garnish with spring onions and sesame seeds...
 Serve Hot immediately.

Recipe Notes.
  • You can skip the brown sugar if you don’t have any and substitute it with honey.. as per sweetness required by you.
  • You can skip the spring onions if you want..
  • You can also add 1 Tbsp of Vinegar in the sauce mixture, if you would like to give it a sour or taste.


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