Easy Pizza/ No Oven Pizza

Prep Time: 15 mins.              Cook time: 10 mins.
Cuisine: Italian                         Serves: 2                     
 This homemade pizza recipe, is an easy No Yeast/ No Oven Pizza Recipe wherein, the Pizza is made in a skillet/ frying pan. 
This Quick Pizza recipe is for all those pizza lovers who want to enjoy a pizza, skipping the lengthy process of rising the flour for hours and baking it in the oven. 


For the Pizza dough
1/2 cup Wheat flour 
1/2 cup all purpose flour/ Maida 
1 & 1/2 tsp Baking powder 
2 tbsp olive oil or cooking oil
Luke warm water as required 

For the pizza sauce or 
You can use a ready pizza sauce
4 tbsp thick tomato puree
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 bell pepper chopped  
3 Tbsp spring onion chopped ( green part)  
1 tsp Oregano
2 garlic cloves minced
1 Tbsp olive oil or oil
¼ tsp sugar (optional )
Pinch of salt and pepper to taste

For the Topping or Top with any of your favourite topping 

150 grms boneless chicken breast 
( boiled & shredded or chopped)
1 cup Cheddar Cheese
Sprinkle of oregano ( Optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl, mix together all the ingredients for the pizza dough, Knead using warm water to make a soft and smooth dough. Set it aside for 15 mins.

  2. In a pan, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil, add minced garlic and sauté on low flame till fragrant,add bell pepper and fry till soft. Then add in all the other ingredients for the pizza sauce, to form a nice thick paste & set aside.( *see notes)

  3. Next, knead the dough again gently, and roll it out on a dusted platform.( Roll out one big pizza or 2 small ones depending on the size of your skillet ).

  4. Heat a non stick skillet, grease it with oil, place the pizza base in it. keep the flame on low and prick the pizza base on the top slightly with a fork.

  5. Now you will notice small air pockets forming on the top of the base. Brush oil over the base with a silicone brush and spread the pizza sauce.

  6. Add shredded chicken, grated cheese or any of your favourite toppings. Cover the pan with the lid and let it cook for 4 – 5 mins on low flame till the cheese melts.

  7. Lastly remove the lid and let the pizza cook for a min. to get a nice crispy crust. Transfer the pizza onto a pizza board or plate, sprinkle some extra oregano on the top for seasoning, slice and serve hot. 

Recipe Notes:
  • *If required add 1- 2 Tbsp of water to the pizzas sauce, depending on the thickness of the canned tomato puree ( I used concentrated canned tomato puree).


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