Quick Chicken Noodle Soup


Prep time: 5 mins.                Cook time: 10 mins.
Cuisine: World                        Serves: 4

There is always a joy to eat homemade soup, this quick soup recipe is a lifesaver, specially when you want to enjoy something light for dinner.

200 grms boneless chicken ( cut into very small pieces)
50 grms noodles
1 tomato ( Chopped)
1 Onion ( Chopped)
4 cups water
1 veg or chicken stock cube
1-2 Tbsp oil
¼ Cup Cheddar Cheese (Optional)
Salt to taste.


1. In large saucepan, heat 2 Tbsp of Olive oil . Add onion and fry until light brown.

2. Next add the tomato and cook until soft. Then add chicken and cook for about 3- 5 mins. or until done.

3. Then add water, stock cube, noodles and salt as per taste, bring it to a boil and cook till the noodles are done. 

4. You can also add chopped spinach, grated Cheddar Cheese or vegies if you like ( optional).

Enjoy your homemade light soup....

Recipe Notes:
  • You can add veggies of your choice, depending on the veggies,  your cooking time will vary.
  • You can follow the same recipe, skip the chicken and make a veg soup aswell.


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