Grilled Prawns

Prep time: 15 mins          Cook time: 20 mins
Cuisine: Goan/ Portuguese 

Grilled Prawns, with a special marination of the famous Goan recheado masala.This delicious Portuguese Goan style masala, is spicy, tangy, sweet and absolutely delicious. 

500 grms Prawns/ Shrimps (cleaned & shell on)
3 Tbsp Yogurt
2 Tbsp Recheado Masala 
1 Tbsp lime juice
Salt to taste
Olive oil for greasing

For Recheado Masala paste 
15 Red Kashmiri chillies ( dry)
6 garlic cloves
8 cloves 
8 pepper corns
4 Cardamoms
2 cinnamon sticks( 2 inch each )
1 tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp Sugar or as per taste
¼ tsp salt or to taste
A small ball of tamarind
About 2/3 cup /150 ml vinegar
1 onion fried


1. Grind all the ingredients above for the Recheado masala, into a fine paste.

2. Clean, devein and wash the shrimps. Marinate them with 3 Tbsp yogurt, 2Tbsp Recheado masala, 1 Tbsp lime, salt to taste and set aside for atleast 30 mins.

3. Grill the Shrimps for 15 to 20 minutes, tossing prawns halfway during cooking, or until prawns have turned orange in colour and are just cooked through. 

     Squeeze some lemon juice & serve.

Recipe notes:

  • If shrimp are small and might fall through the grills, skewer them.
  • Recheado Masala can be stored in a airtight glass jar in the refrigerator for a month and upto 6 months in a sealed container in the freezer.
  • If the prawns are grilled with the shell on, they remain very juicy & tasty.

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